Agrico-op (Sicily) just dropped a bombshell: They are finished with blood oranges. We have supplies in transit to keep us in stock until the end of the week, but then it’s done L We may be able to source some from different growers after that, but we all secretly know Agrico-op’s are unrivalled.
Red peppers from Spain taste amazing! Extremely juicy and sweet. All Spanish ratatouille remains abundant and good value. We have a good trading relationship with Naturcharc, who’s sending us 2 pallets directly out of Spain at the moment, so the produce is super fresh.
On the potato stand we have a new addition in the form of Valor from New Farm Organics in Lincolnshire. As a result of last year’s lack of rain, potatoes have generally been on the small side. Newspapers recently reported that chips have lost an inch in length! These Valors are bucking that trend, so their larger size coupled with their floury texture makes for excellent bakers.
Francis Sampson in Cornwall is between varieties of cauliflowers, so he hasn’t got as many to send us for a couple of weeks, but he‘s ready to harvest a decent amount of purple sprouting broccoli. It’s still quite leafy, but the florets are definitely growing!
Finally, we’re awaiting the return of coriander this Thursday. Good quantities from Univert growers’ co-op in Provence.