Every year around this time we experience the “Hungry Gap” in UK produce, when the previous winter’s stores are empty and the new season crops aren’t quite ready yet. It follows that this is a particularly busy time of the year for imports from Europe and we are more dependent than usual on produce coming in from France, Italy and – in particular – Spain. The Coronavirus outbreak means suppliers in France and Spain are experiencing severe labour shortages, leading to low availability out of these countries that normally feed the whole of Europe.
These are some of the challenges we’re facing while we source our offer of fruit & veg. And it doesn’t end there! We are also working hard to adjust to a new sense of normal and adapt our small shop space to allow for social distancing measures between customers and staff members alike. In order to achieve this, we are focussing on presenting a core offer of basic ingredients for home cooking.
We want to kindly ask you to be more flexible with your wishes while shopping than normally. We may not always have exactly what’s on your list, but there will always be something fresh and delicious. This is an exercise is seasonal shopping for everybody! With that in mind, here’s a head’s up for the week:
- New Dutch glasshouse season: aubergines, peppers & cucumbers – lovely!
- Looking for greenery? Lots of salad leaves from Glebelands City Growers in Sale – the mix is gorgeous right now. Rocket & spinach from Libby Flintoff (Preston) from Wednesday. And new crop spring greens from Duncan Gielty (Ormskirk).
- Like gold dust: Broccoli, kale & cabbages.
One thing’s for sure, the current situation is helping us to appreciate our core values as a business. We are so thankful to have access to good food, grown by people who care about its quality. Let’s never take that for granted 🙂