The new Dutch glasshouse season gets underway this week with the arrival of cucumbers from Zann in Rotterdam. As spring progresses we’ll see more and more produce out of Holland – they have huge glasshouse capacity for ratatouille crops such as aubergines and peppers, as well as tomatoes and salads too. Besides bringing the supply a little closer to home, the first Dutch produce is a welcome indication that the UK season is not far behind…
The Uk brassica range remains really strong for this time of year, Cornish PSB and caulis from Francis Sampson in Penzance are both eating very well and we’ve a late flurry of Tundra cabbages from Lyncroft Farm in Ormskirk too. There’s some lovely French kale and cavolo nero too to fill the Hungry Gap on UK options.
As temperatures edge up across Europe we are approaching the end of the citrus season. Clementines and mandarins are in their last few weeks as well as blood oranges too. Contrary to other fruits, blood oranges are at their best at the end of the season when the sugars are fully developed and their bloodiness hits its peak. They do tend towards being a bit more delicate though, so keep them in the fridge!
Finally, massive congratulations to John at Newfields Organics who received Arable Farmer of the Year at The Northern Farmer Awards this week. Much-deserved recognition for the impeccable standard and commitment he always gives to his craft, cheers to you John!