Do you know your Egremont from your Herefordshire Russet? Can you tell a Spartan from a Blaze? Come down to the shop this Sunday to celebrate Apple Day with us and taste your way through a range of 20+ varieties we’ll have available from 5 different orchards.
Launched in 1990 by an organisation called Common Ground, Apple Day aims to showcase the rich diversity that we’re in danger of losing; not just with respect to apple varieties, but also our landscape and ecology.
Botanically a member of the Rosacea family, along with roses, plums, raspberries, pears and strawberries, there are more than 2000 varieties of UK apple.
Some of the orchards we’re buying direct from this week include:
Carey Organics in Herefordshire: Martin Soble grows some wonderful heritage varieties. Look out for his delicious Pitmaston Pineapple.
Sweet Apple Orchards in Stowmarket: Gavin and Margaret Cherry have been growing apples following biodynamic principles for many years. The fruit they send us is of outstanding quality. Look out for their Jonagolds and the unusual Howgate Wonder.
Mole End in Kent: Paul Ward grows newer strains, such as Cabaret, and Cox Royale, with a focus on juiciness and crunchy textures.
We’re receiving some extra special hybrid varieties too, which are yet to be named… as well as tastings, there’ll be a ‘Name the Apple’ competition on the day, and the winning name will be adopted for the rest of the season!
This Sunday 11-4 we hope you can make it